Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I read with some amusement John Cook's letter in yesterday's newspaper. Mr. Cook raised the issues of politics and qualifications in the appointment of John Grimm to the Circuit Court. Apparently Mr. Cook would have your readers believe that there was no "politics" in the appointment.

Now it is certainly true that John Grimm possessed the requirements of Missouri law to hold the position, and it is also true that he is an extremely smart, pleasant and personable fellow who happens to hail from a prominent local family. In short, he is a qualified person to hold the job of Circuit Judge.

However, to successfully argue that this was not a politically based appointment by the Governor is even beyond the remarkable persuasive powers of John Cook.

Let's take a look at the facts! Of the four applicants that Governor Carnahan considered, there was only one who:

- worked on the Governor's campaign;

- acted as a go-between to the Governor on retaining the license bureaus for the Cape and Jackson Chambers of Commerce;

- had less than ten years experience as a lawyer(6 years);

- lacked any experience as a judge;

- has no experience as a husband or parent;

- whose dad was pals with the Governor in law school;

- would become the youngest circuit judge in the State of Missouri, eligible by only 16 months.

Now really, Mr. Cook, do you expect us to believe that the "bugaboo of politics" was not involved in this appointment?

Stephen C. Wilson

Cape Girardeau County Repulican Central Committee

Cape Girardeau