Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the Editor:

This being National Education Week brings to mind a special lady who has dedicated her life to educating others. Her name is Mary Abercrombie, or "Mary C" as she is affectionately known to her family and friends, and she is one of Shawnee District's finest.

Although she retired from teaching in June 1986, she remained with us as the Chapter I director. Retirement never slowed this fine lady -- just ask all the children she has tutored over the last few years. When Mary finished tutoring a child, you could be sure that child's test scores were never the same. She always got positive results! Mary's main thrust in life has been helping children; however, in knowing her, you would know she has a genuine love and concern for all God's creation.

She has always been an active part of our community ... whether it was donating her God-given ability to playing piano at church, serving on the village board, helping with a Red Cross blood drive, or assisting with our local cemetery and homecoming organizations. Everyone knows you could always count on Mary C.

Recently, Mary was diagnosed as having a brain tumor. She has had surgery and is now at the Lutheran Home in Cape Girardeau. She enjoys hearing from her family and friends.

We want her to know we are all pulling for her. There will never be another like her, and we appreciate all she has given.

Kathy Matlock

Kindergarten Teacher

Shawnee South Elementary