Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

On March 22, 1993, there was a letter to the editor in the Southeast Missourian from Chris Godwin which I would like to respond to.

Mr. Godwin claims that Senator Christopher S. "Kit" Bond proposes cutting civilian work force by 5~ percent.

My guess is that Mr. Godwin didn't read the March 5, 1993, article in the Southeast Missourian in which Sen. Bond outlined his proposed $228 billion budget reduction proposal in response President Wild Bill "Tax and Spend" Clinton's challenge to Congress to find a better budget reduction plan than his. Personally, I believe what Sen. Bond expressed in his letter to Mr. Godwin was more along the lines of cutting federal civilian employees, not civilian employees.

Secondly, Mr. Godwin went on to suggest other cuts to the legislative branch to balance the federal budget. I tend to agree with him on this issue and see Kit Bond making a real effort to do just that in his budget proposal. Given Congress' record on spending $1.59 in new spending for every $1 in tax hikes it is reassuring to have someone like Kit Bond inside the beltway, as Mr. Godwin puts it, to defend our interests.

Regretfully, the chances of Sen. Bond's proposal are rather dismal with Wild Bill and his "Tax and Spend" cronies in the majority. I agree wholeheartedly with the Southeast Missourian editorial "President should study Bond budget blueprint" on March 11, 1993, but the chances for that are about as good as getting Wild Bill to understand that it is the people who have made this country great, and not a bigger more burdensome federal government continually taking away more from working people.

Again, Mr. Godwin, you do make some valid points, but it is not Kit Bond you need to be pointing your finger at. But, maybe after four years of Wild Bill you will better understand that.

Ken Richardson

Cape Girardeau