Letter to the Editor


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Dear editor:

I would like to respond to a recent Letter to the Editor written by Dr. John Holcomb regarding the upcoming Lawyers vs. Doctors basketball game benefiting the Community Counseling Center.

We lawyers look forward to the challenge of an on court exhibition of our talents (as opposed to in court), however, should we not prevail on February 17, we'll be in court February 18 rectifying the situation. To quote in part a local philosopher and university coach, "win or win."

While I believe that the outcome of the game can be predicted "within a reasonable degree of medical certainty," the lawyers have installed the "Tonya Harding attack offense" and a multiple defense consisting of a "Lorena Bobbitt" unmanly pressure, then switching to the "Menendez Brothers" swarm. To support these defenses, each lawyer will bring his own "Briefs."

The lawyers will be there at 7:30 p.m. at the old Central High School gym, February 17. We hope there is a large turnout for this benefit for the Community Counseling Center, because I am sure after the drubbing the lawyers give the doctors, the Docs will need some counseling of their own: "Physicians heal thyselves."


Laywer's Coach

Cape Girardeau