Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Concerning the discharge of Bruce Thomas as head wrestling coach at Jackson High School: I am one of Coach Thomas's former wrestlers and close friend of the Thomas family.

I wrestled for Coach Thomas from 1988-1991 during which time, despite a serious arm injury requiring three surgeries, I persevered, endured, and matured under the watchful eye of Coach Thomas. My athletic success was notable, but certainly much greater with Coach Thomas than what it would have been given a lesser coach and my athletic ability. Since high school I have earned a full scholarship to Wake Forest University, graduated from Army Airborne school, and worked as an intern in Washington D.C., I am now preparing to finish my senior year and be commissioned as any Army officer. The previous self-effacing comments are not to blow my own horn but only examples of how the positive influence of Coach Thomas have paid dividends in my life. If I were to encapsulate Coach Thomas' influence it would have much more to do with the lessons in focus, persistence, and hard work than wrestling moves and techniques.

In a world where everyone seems to be looking for a role model, Jackson and Southeast Missouri have just lost one of their best. Even more so now as athletes and students can see that the world does not treat people any better as adults. Although he will stay on a as teacher and still give no less in the classroom, he has been excluded from giving the guidance during hardship and physical challenge that make the lessons so long-lasting.

As far as Coach Thomas is concerned I am sure that he will endure and still continue to give his utmost for the students of Jackson High. Coach T taught us all to endure and persevere through the hard times, and unfortunately the losers in this game are those wrestlers who no longer will benefit from his influence.


London, England