Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I must take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your Oct. 6 editorial on the O.J. Simpson trial.

Not a day has gone by over the past year when I haven't been asked my opinion about that case. I'm afraid that it has left many people with the unfortunate perception that the entire criminal-justice system must operate in the same fashion. Instead, it is closer to what you correctly suggested. We have a system that works very well and which efficiently and effectively meets the needs of the citizens of our community. The Simpson case was indeed a fluke and not a credible representation of the criminal justice system, as you so appropriately pointed out.

The courts, attorneys, clerks and particularly jurors in our area work very hard to see that justice is done. I continue to be impressed by the hard work performed by the juries in this area in brining about a credible result in both civil and criminal cases.

Thank you once again for setting the record straight. The system may not be perfect, but it's still the best there is.

WILLIAM L. SYLER, Presiding Judge

32nd Judicial Circuit

Cape Girardeau