Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

There has been a glut of media coverage in the United States on the supposed Republican cutting of school lunches, starving our children in schools. This has been perpetuated by our lying administration when the opposite is true. More money will be spent under the new program than under the old. In fact, the increase will be some 4.5 percent. Something has to be done about the blatant lying that is being done by today's media. Why don't the news media investigate the truth instead of printing lies?

Even our local newspaper, though it is mostly conservative, picks up Associated Press articles and prints them without comment, which helps to continue the lie.

What happened to our press that used to be the guardian of the news? Now it has become a left-wing organization. It has ceased to be a reporting organization and now broadcasts propaganda in the form of news articles. It has become a fact that the editorials are now in every news column and not just on the editorial page.

In this age, when so much information is available to the common man through libraries, the Internet and other on-line services, it is difficult to understand why all this false information is being disseminated when it really makes the news media and their false reporting stand out like a sore thumb.


Cape Girardeau