Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Recently, Bishop John J. Leibrecht of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau spoke eloquently during a Mass at St. Mary Cathedral about the value of all life from conception until natural death.

Several people -- including myself, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drury and Connie Drury -- were honored for their efforts in the defense of all life. We are all members of Voice for Life, a group started by the bishop several years ago to organize pro-life activities in parochial schools and to bring awareness of life-and-death issues being fought throughout the country in defense of the preborn, the physically challenged and the elderly.

I was honored to be nominated with the others. Only three people were allowed to be nominated for the awards, but many more people are just as deserving for their tireless efforts in defense of human life. I hope next year they will all be recognized with similar awards.

I would like to mention some who have been active for many more years than I have: Robert and Bernice Buehrle, Robert and Jeannette Dohogne, Noel Orr, Joyce Brown, Janet Bessand, Margie Eftink and Bonnie Ourth, who were on the front lines many years ago.

Also deserving of special mention are all of the Drurys, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drury, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Drury and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drury, along with Martin and Mary Jane Jansen. All have dedicated their lives to the pro-life cause. Robert Drury donated the land on which SEMO Lifesavers built its cemetery of the innocent. Martin Jansen and his employees and the Knights of Columbus built the 4,400 crosses and placed them there.

The Drurys and the Jansens, along with Teresa LeGrand, Krista Keesee and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emmendorfer, support Penny Lea and her "I Believe in Life" ministry. Mrs. Lea lives in North Carolina and comes here every other month during the school year to minister to young people in schools and churches throughout Southeast Missouri.

For all of these people and for those who I failed to mention, because there are very many other people who regularly give of their time and energy and finances in the cause of all life, I would personally like to say thank you for making everything possible. God knows who you are, and your reward in heaven will be great. God bless you all.


Cape Girardeau