Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I know you can't cover everybody on your 100 ways to be kind, but I would like to add a couple more.

When you give a friend or stranger cookies or cakes, remember where it came from: the farmer. My husband gets up at 5:30 a.m. to work at his 40-plus-hour-a-week job at a local heating and air conditioning company to help pay to keep the farm going. Most of the time we don't even see a profit, but he loves to farm. You would have to love it to work until 10 or 11 p.m. at times and never take a vacation.

Also, a special thanks to Wes Blumenberg and Earl Eftink (local farmers who also have second jobs) for the help they have given my husband. You don't get sick days when there are cattle to feed. Also a special thanks to Dr. Walter Branscum, a local veterinarian, for coming to our farm when we need him. He is there no matter what time or what the weather is doing.


Cape Girardeau