Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Proposition A, the November ballot issue that promises preservation of scenic vistas throughout Missouri through increased regulation of billboards, unfortunately will do nothing but eliminate an effective means of promoting economic prosperity.

Nowhere would that impact be felt more than Smalltown, Mo., which has become increasingly successful in attracting travelers. Museums, historical attractions, bed-and-breakfast inns, specialty stores and restaurants utilize outdoor advertising to convince travelers to stop for a visit.

The official ballot wording doesn't accurately describe the far-reaching intent of Proposition A. While the ballot language proposes prohibiting "additional" billboards, the fine print would leave in question whether or not many existing billboards would be forced to come down.

Proposition A would prohibit local governing bodies from approving any billboard construction requests, something they are currently allowed to do. The state regulation would supersede local zoning variances along national highways.

The General Assembly already has enacted legislation that regulates the billboard industry. For Proposition A supporters, apparently anything short of abolishment of all billboards isn't enough. Attempts to convince legislators to pass additional regulations as far-reaching as Proposition A have failed. There's a good reason: It's bad law.



Show-Me Missouri

Kennett, Mo.