Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Cape Girardeau has many fine restaurants, which my wife and I enjoy. Recently, we have been observing an interesting phenomenon which occurs at two of our favorites.

The St. Louis Bread Co. seems to attract many thin, healthy-looking people. The other restaurant, which has an all-you-can-eat buffet, generates an overweight clientele who attacks the food bar with grim determination at lunch time.

Obesity is a national problem. Missouri ranks 48th percentage wise in weight gain increase for adults in the last 20 years. Somebody or something is responsible. Perhaps "all-you-can-eat" buffets can be held liable? Look what's happening to the gun and tobacco industries.

They are being held accountable for human behavior. Maybe it's time for a lawsuit. I can visualize the lawyer representing a obese plaintiff. Pointing a finger at the luckless restaurant defendants while addressing the court:

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, these sinister human hog troughs are costing the taxpayers millions in health related overweight problems. The restaurant in question today even has an all-you-can-eat dessert bar. This exploits my client's addiction to food, which makes the restaurant no different than a drug dealer!"

The all important verdict would probably depend on the size of the jurors. Anyway, the food is good and inexpensive at these buffet places. I suppose we are responsible for our own body size. Not backing up from the table soon enough seems to be a unique American problem.

Phil Patterson

Scott City