Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I woke up a few days ago and realized how disgusted I was to be a Missouri citizen due to this stupid stadium for a baseball team. I have never been a fan of this pathetic sport, nor do I respect the team or owners, especially now.

I am upset that I have to watch my best friend, who has worked with the state schools for the severely handicapped, go without a raise. Or my grandmother budget everything in order to try to pay for her prescriptions. Or the fact that I busted a tie rod on my new car on our dilapidated roads.

But, the governor and leaders of this state can't seem to find anything better to do with $100 million than give it to a bunch of wealthy men to play with. Shouldn't this money be used to hire more teachers for our schools and to help out the elderly and low-income residents and children in this state who are desperate for health care and prescriptions?

I am sure Mark What's-his-face does not face these problems. He's too busy playing with his little wooden stick and a couple of balls. I wonder what happens next time, let's say when Kansas City's ball team wants a new place to play. Is the governor going to come up with another $100 million to give to them while more Missouri citizens and programs continue to suffer? It is my opinion that the governor's job is to help the people of Missouri, not a baseball team.


Potosi, Mo.