Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I opened the paper Friday morning and aged 30 years. Congratulations to Gary, Jon and Rex Rust and their family on the great accomplishments they have made.

As a young college student of Southeast Missouri State College in the early 1970s, I was employed by Gary's father and mother at the Rust & Martin bridal store on Broadway. They were wonderful people to work for and always encouraged me to do my very best, letting me decorate their bridal windows when I was only 18 or 19 years old.

I still have visions of Gary and Wendy as a young couple with their family visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rust at the store on Broadway. I particularly remember Rex as a small boy running around the store. As I will turn 50 in September and am beginning to feel my age with two grown sons of my own, I feel I aged overnight as I opened the paper and saw the pictures of Gary, Jon and Rex. My congratulations and best wishes to this wonderful family as it continues this fine family business.


Cape Girardeau