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Time and time again, the region demonstrates its giving nature. Over the weekend, the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon raised a record $233,495 in the district in just 22 hours. That amounts to an amazing $10,600 in donations each hour. Today, the United Way kicks off its annual fund-raising campaign. The goal of $470,000 represents a 5.5 percent increase over money raised last year. Both are laudable demonstrations of caring.

Community generosity helps make our region unique. People not only care about their fellow man, they demonstrate their concern through word and deed.

At the heart of these successful fund-raising campaigns are dedicated volunteers. About 900 volunteers assisted with the MDA telethon in Southeast Missouri, Southern Illinois and western Kentucky. About 250 volunteers from Cape Girardeau County will assist the United Way campaign over the next two months. From Campaign Chairman Harry Rediger on down, these volunteers will give countless hours toward community betterment. We praise their dedication and diligence.

The Area Wide United Way is governed by a volunteer board of directors. These men and women decide which agencies will be accepted for funding, and they allocate funds to each organization. They are also responsible for making sure the money is properly spent.

Twenty-four charitable organizations will benefit from this year's United Way campaign, including two new agencies. The Safe House for Women Inc. will open its doors in mid-October, providing sanctuary for abused women. The Eldercare Center at Southeast Missouri State University has established a reputation for responsive care to the elderly.

The importance of these campaigns can't be ignored. Without these community fund drives, many of these services and programs would simply not be available. In these days of governmental cutbacks, many of these agencies must turn to the communities to help make up the slack.

The generosity of this region is underscored each year through such fundraisers as the MDA telethon and the Area Wide United Way. People helping people: that's what makes these campaigns so gratifying.