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Southeast Missouri University football Indians will host their first OVC home game Saturday at Houck Stadium. They will play Morehead State at 6 p.m.

We realize the team has had a rocky start, but that makes a large home crowd tomorrow all the more critical. Fan support could be a key factor in helping the team to turn things around.

To his credit, head coach John Mumford has not given up on this team. He'll be the first to tell you of the mistakes the team has made. But we must also remember the university is only in its third year of Division I play. The caliber of competition is tougher, and it will take some time to make the transition. Football involves a lot more players than basketball.

On Saturday, the Indians will also honor three former standout football players: Ken Iman, Kenneth Dement and Mike Wood. These three are the only Southeast football players to have their jerseys retired. A good crowd Saturday would make their ceremony more meaningful.

It's easy to support a team when it's winning. But true fans stick with their team through thick and thin. We believe Coach Mumford and the tribe have the potential to turn their season around. Good fan support will be an essential part of that transition.