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Hats off to the 108 adults who recently earned general education diplomas through the Cape Girardeau Area Vocational-Technical School's adult basic education program.

For various reasons, the 108 dropped out of high school before getting a diploma. Some languished in dead-end jobs, lacking the necessary skills to advance. Others achieved success despite their inadequate schooling. But all made the choice to go back and earn the equivalent of a high school diploma.

For adults who have been in the working world for years, some with grown children, the decision to return to school isn't easy. To admit a shortcoming and chastise others to avoid the same mistake is one thing. But the 108 GED graduates, by setting aside their pride and correcting their shortcoming, affirmed that through pluck and good sense it is possible to attain what once seemed beyond reach.

The recent GED recipients can only guess what might have been had they finished high school the first time around. But their success now proves it is never too late to shake off the yoke of the past and embrace a better future.