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For hundreds of families in Southeast Missouri, the Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. plant north of Cape Girardeau is more than a large corporate entity. For some 1,200 employees and their families, the P&G plant has been a top-notch employer and a much-sought-after place of employment.

While most everyone else acknowledges that the P&G plant is one of the most valuable economic assets in the area, many folks know relatively little about the operation, except it makes some of the best-selling disposable diapers on the market.

It was with great interest that P&G announced a major expansion at its Cape Girardeau plant back in April 1997. If everything stays on schedule, the new facility should start producing other items in the company's well-known line of products, including Charmin bath tissue and Bounty paper towels.

In the process, employment at the plant will increase substantially. Overall, the company has committed hundreds of millions of dollars to this plant.

It was certainly of more than passing interest to hear one of the key officials from the plant, Steve Bell, talk last week about the exciting expansion project and the awesome proportions of the machinery and consumables that will be used when the expanded plant is in full production.

Of even more interest, though, was hearing why P&G has made such an outstanding commitment to this area. The main reasons: central location, ample water supply and a productive and skilled work force. The Cape Girardeau plant has been "one of the best-running plants" in the P&G family of international operations, largely because of those employees.

Now there's something to be proud of. In its continuing efforts to attract more and more jobs, economic development officials from the area repeatedly tout the area's willing workers who are known for their loyalty, conscientiousness and productivity. But so does every other community around the country looking to attract companies willing to spend millions of dollars. It's awfully nice to hear it from the other side.

P&G has long been one of the best corporate citizens of the Cape Girardeau area. With its new facilities and its commitment to the area, Southeast Missouri will benefit for decades to come.