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The fact that more than a third of the retail sales that took place in Cape Girardeau County in 1998 were purchases by people from outside the county speaks well for the county's role as a hub of business in the region.

At a recent Economic Outlook Conference in Cape Girardeau, it was reported that of $1 billion in retail sales in the county last year, $370 million came from other than Cape Girardeau County residents. It shows people are coming to Cape Girardeau and Jackson to shop and buy because of the wide selection of goods available here.

The economic outlook for the region this year is good, economists reported at the conference. That means people will continue to visit the county to do much of their buying, and 1999 could see an even greater percentage of sales being made to buyers from outside the county.

It shows that this county is a good one to do business in, and residents of the region know it.