Letter to the Editor


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Dear Editor

As Independence Day quickly approaches, Americans begin to remember the freedoms and ideals on which our country was founded ... at least most Americans. Unfortunately, today's society tends to see July 4th as a day of fireworks, Bar-B-Ques and good times. All these amenities are well and good, but I hardly believe that our forefathers were thinking of heavenly glitter, food or entertainment when they drafted the Declaration of Independence.

Historical greats like Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and forty-six other members of Congress were classic examples of those who believed ... "that all men are created equal, ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Freedoms were important to our country's founders, and were the reason they sought sanctuary in this place we call America.

How many of those freedoms are we taking for granted, and how man are being erased from our lives at the governmental level?

Recently, a bill was introduced to our legislators which proposes banning the display of Bibles in the workplace and the discussion of religion with co-workers. This action would make illegal quiet devotions during lunch hour and inviting co-workers to church. I wonder if our leaders are steering toward creating a society similar to Hitler's Third Reich, where citizens had no unalienable rights.

This country was founded on religious ideals. Our currency bears the words "In God We Trust", and our Pledge of Allegiance describes "One nation under God."

Our most admired presidents had strong beliefs in the God who stretched forth His hand to create this land, and they looked to Him for guidance in leadership.

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, knowing civil war was inevitable stated the following: "I know there is a God and that He hates injustice and slavery. I see the storm coming, but I know His hand is in it. If He has a place for and a work for me -- and I think He has -- I believe I am ready. I am nothing, but truth is everything. I know I am right because I know that liberty is right, for Christ teaches it, and Christ is God." *

What has happened to the true patriotism of our ancestors, which includes the belief that God is our creator and that He made possible the freedoms we enjoy? As American citizens, we must fight for our right to openly express religious convictions. Although we don't all worship in the same manner, we serve the same God, and it is our duty as Christian Americans to see to it that this current ludicrous legislation is put to rest.

Hats off to Congressman Bill Emerson and others like him for attacking Clinton's "God Squad", and for taking a stand to maintain the freedoms represented by the Red, White and Blue.

May God bless America!


Cape Girardeau