Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I noticed that you had a comment in your Speak Out regarding the cable-TV franchise. One of the concerns that person had was over the increase in cable rates in the last two years. The other concern was about the location of Channel 6 in the system.

Without intending to speak for the city or as a member of the cable committee, I do want to at least make people aware of the limitations that are placed on any city with regard to cable regulation.

Regardless of the various acts that have been passed in recent years, one of the primary concerns that anybody has -- what cable is going to cost -- is basically outside the control of this city or any city. The most recent cable act purported to give some control to the regulation of basic cable rates, but that has never gone through. Thus, the market is the only control that currently exists on cable rates, and it really isn't the city's fault.

I would certainly encourage the person who called in to contact TCI and let the cable company know that he isn't happy with the frequent increases.

As to the location of Channel 6, some of that is a function of the "must carry" rule, which says that you have to carry what is considered to be local broadcasting, and you have to carry it on what is your basic cable tier. Again, that isn't something that the city has control over. If the caller is having problems with the quality of service or signal, he should be notifying TCI and asking the cable company to fix it. And if it isn't getting done, he should be contacting the city. Under the franchise, there are provisions for rebates to consumers if their service is out for a certain amount of time.

Thank you for the opportunity to address this issue.


Cape Girardeau