Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Life is not fair. People continue practicing the deadly combination of alcohol, automobiles, drugs, speed and non-use of seat belts.

Mercedes-Benzes are crashworthy cars that come with front and side air bags and a warning to avoid serious injury: "For maximum safety protection in all types of crashes, you must always wear your safety belt."

The only survivor in that deadly car crash Aug. 31 in Paris was properly restrained.

The reason for the warning statement is that air bags deflate as fast as they deploy. The impact of hitting column No. 13 in the tunnel deployed the air bags. Deflation occurred, but the crash continued.

Three collisions occur in every vehicle crash: 1. Vehicle collision. 2. Collision of occupants with the vehicle interior. 3. Collision of the occupants' organs against their bones.

These are three of the many reasons all occupants need to be restrained properly. Please learn from this tragedy. Driver sober and buckle up, front and back.

JEFFERY K. HARMS, Board Member

Missouri Brain Injury Association

Cape Girardeau