Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I went to the Capitol in Jefferson City with the pro-life movement and was very impressed with the right-to-life management of restraint, self-control and downright good manners.

There was a rally in the rotunda with lots of applause and revelry, and it was done with decorum.

I was well-received by two senators, and my point of view was listened to with respect.

I heard eloquent debate by the senators and was impressed by both sides of the argument, except for one senator. There always has to be one.

We lost the veto override. On the way home, I asked myself how we got to this point in our country that we kill children, even though our legislators know it's wrong and have agonized and studied the abortion issue to the point of being experts in all knowledge of the procedure.

The answer came with one word: leaven. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

Some would say the leavening started with Roe vs. Wade. Others would say it started in the 1940s when God was taken out of the schools.

When the moral issue of sin was compromised in this country, that was the little leavening that leavens the lump.

This country still has very much more going for it than any other country in the world. But how much longer before we become like the world?

Next year, our state legislators will be fighting the same abortion battle with the same emotions and legalese.

