Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Watching my daughter so completely enjoying herself at the Capaha Park pool recently reminded me that this letter is long overdue.

This has been the first full summer in Cape Girardeau for myself and my family. One of the areas of notable satisfaction for my wife and I were the numerous opportunities provided by the Parks and Recreation Board for the children of this community. Perhaps the most rewarding of these for my daughter this summer was the swimming instruction which she received at the Capaha pool. My thanks to Doug Gannon and his aquatics staff for developing such an outstanding program. In particular, I appreciated the friendly helpfulness and leadership of Stacey Busch, head instructor, and all those who worked with her at Capaha. Their skill, expertise, enthusiasm, encouragement and patience with the children were a delight to observe. They were and are a most talented group of young men and women.

However, I would be remiss if I did not make special mention of those who had such an important and direct influence upon my daughter. And so to Jennifer Hook, Nick Sterrett, Meredith Jackson, Elizabeth Green and Jeremy Driskell -- you have my sincerest gratitude and regard. You took a little girl who was, at best, unsure of herself in the water, and in nine short weeks you transformed her into a more confident, self-assured individual who relishes here newfound prowess. Your kindness and concern, your attention to detail and your gift for imparting both skills and knowledge to those so young, you genuine interest in and involvement with the children -- these were such key elements in the creation of an exciting and fulfilling experience for Alex. I cannot thank you enough.

Best wishes to each of you in all your endeavors during the coming year, and we'll see you at the pool next summer.


Cape Girardeau