Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

According to my sister-in-law, the city fathers called off school in Stevens Point, Wis., Friday. The roads were ice packed, and they had over two feet of snow on the ground. And drifting is a real problem. Of course, that isn't why they called off school. The wind chill was -60 degrees, and -40 degrees is the point where they call off school, because the children could literally freeze their noses off waiting for the bus.

In Cape Girardeau, school officials called off school Friday. The roads had been clear for the better part of two days, and the high was a blustery 10 to 15 degrees. But don't worry. The high school wrestlers still reported to school at 10:30 a.m. to be bused to the wrestling match. Does this strike anyone else as a problem?


Cape Girardeau