Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I used to live in Cape Girardeau and have always had a special affection for the Mississippi River, which inspired me to write this poem, which I would like to share with your readers:

The Mighty Mississippi

Oh mighty, muddy river.

You came, you say, you conquered.

Oh mighty Mississippi, giver

Of life undisturbed, unperturbed.

Your brisk, fleeting tide

Mesmerizes and hypnotizes

All who stoop by your side.

Dusky, swirling water entices.

Mythical, magical, forever curious,

Enhancing hamlets with your grace.

The serpent, haughty, imperious.

Where starts your tail? Where starts your face?

No shroud shall conceal your wicked past

Of gleaming, snowy white riverboats

Bearing sassy young gals a little too fast

And nefarious gamblers in black satin coats.

Oh Mississippi River.

Forever proud, you gently flow

From a distance a tawny silver

Which no dam can control.


London, England