Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I am writing in response to an Oct. 24 letter that appeared to represent the views of KRCU-FM on the proposed River Campus. KRCU has no view on the River Campus or any other issue.

As a licensee of the public trust. KRCU strives to inform the region on issues that are of concern to our listeners. We do this in the most objective manner possible so as to keep clear the distinction between newsmakers and news reporters. Unfortunately, that line was crossed when a letter expressing the personal views of one of our volunteer program hosts was published next to the station's call letters and the university to which we are licensed. While Mr. Correll may have a personal opinion on the River Campus, as general manager of KRCU let me assure the public that he does not represent the views of the station or its licensee.

KRCU's recently completed membership campaign indicates that public support for the station has never been greater. I hope that the false communication of a position on the part of KRCU will not jeopardize the trust placed with Southeast Public Radio. The staff of KRCU is grateful to everyone who listens, and KRCU remains committed to all possibilities that will promote the arts and their presentation in this region.

GREG PETROWICH, General Manager


Southeast Missouri State University

Cape Girardeau

EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve Correll signed his letter as host of "Let's Talk Business," a program aired by KRCU-FM.