Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The board of directors for the Humane Society of Southeast Missouri has made a decision to become more proactive. After many years of educating others about pet ownership, accepting all animals that arrive at our door, encouraging all to spay or neuter their pets and euthanizing thousands of animals year after year, we know we must do more.

The Humane Society is taking a step to prevent unwanted animals. On Feb. 23 we will participate in Spay Day USA by giving away $3.750 in vouchers for free spays and neuters. Many area veterinarians are cooperating on this project by accepted the vouchers at discounted prices. We will be able to help up to 100 animals get altered. If each of those animals would have produced just one litter of six this summer, we will have prevented 600 unwanted animals.

Participating in Spay Day USA is the first of many new ways the Humane Society plans to make a difference. We are doing all we can to stop pet overpopulation. Each citizen needs to ask himself if he is doing his part to prevent unwanted animals and unnecessary deaths. After all, the future is in their hands.

REQUI M. SALTER, President

Humane Society of Southeast Missouri

Cape Girardeau