Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

We would like to thank everyone involved with the "Celebrating the Power of One" benefit dedicated to our daughter, Traci Taylor.

It was a special evening in many ways. We believe everyone in attendance would agree that the entertainment was spectacular thanks to Mike Dumey and six very talented teen-agers, Elizabeth Hooker, Casie Janet, Mackenzie Price, Matt Brandt, Ben Carter and Casey Mueller. Part of what made it so special to us is the fact that it was the kids' idea, and they chose to volunteer their time and talents to honor Traci in this way.

We ow a huge thank you to Mr. Dumey for his passion of music and teaching kids and for giving so much of his time and energy to organizing this benefit and making it so memorable.

We want to thank Bill Heaton, Tracy Glenn and Full House Catering at the Route 25 Banquet Hall for donating the use of their facility and services, which included a delicious buffet. Also Steve Brooks, Sam Blackwell, the Southeast Missourian, Mary Ann Maloney, Paul Kenner, KFVS-TV, Terry Hester, KZIM, Jason Wray, KYRX, Ted Hooker and probably many others we're not aware of. And all the individuals and businesses that purchased tickets and tables or donated to Traci's fund at Bank of America.

Also, a special thank you to our Southeast Missouri Hospital friends: Chuck Stotz, the foundation office, Connie Pfeiffer and all the pediatric nurses for honoring Traci and her Toy Train with a dedication plaque for the pediatrics wing.

Even though the evening was quite emotional for us, we feel so blessed to have this caring support from so many. We want everyone to know how much we appreciate all of the efforts involved in helping us keep Traci's dream alive.

PAT and DONNA TAYLOR and family

Cape Girardeau