Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Beginning in September, a wonderful opportunity exists for people in Cape Girardeau and surrounding areas. The Alpha course will be offered through Centenary United Methodist Church to anyone who is interested in learning the basics of the Christian faith. The course will be offered on Thursday evenings in a casual home setting. Alpha is designed primarily for people who would not call themselves a Christian, who don't regularly attend church, who have questions about the meaning of life or who are investigating Christianity. The Alpha course presents the message of Christianity in a clear and nonthreatening manner to people from all walks of life. Alpha is a place where no question is seen as too simple or too hostile.

As a Christian, I feel that giving others the opportunity to learn the message of Christianity is the greatest gift we can offer. Attending church worship services can be very threatening to non-churchgoers. Alpha is designed to make people feel comfortable and confident while they learn.

I challenge anyone who reads this letter to find one person who might be a candidate for the Alpha course and tell them about it. God will be pleased if you do.


Cape Girardeau