Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Industrial hemp is a possible tool to boost our nation's agricultural richness 10 thousandfold. It is a raw material which has endless uses such as clothing, lubricants, bio-friendly cleaning agents, shampoos and toothpastes.

Although American retailers spend billions each year for hemp-based products, industrial hemp is illegal to grow in our country because of outdated taboos and laws surrounding cannabis containing tetrahydrocannibinol (known as THC). While industrial hemp does contain trace amounts of THC, the amount is so minimal it is useless as a medium for drug use.

Currently lawmakers are looking to raise cigarette taxes by yet another 17 percent to encourage farmers to grow other crops. This method has failed to work in the past and will continue to fail. The cost of medical treatment for cigarette-related illness rises along with the cost of cigarettes.

It's time to look at the other possibilities. Industrial hemp could very well be the answer.


Scott City, Mo.