Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

John Ashcroft has always had a strong pro-life position, citing his opposition as a religious and moral imperative. "If I had the opportunity to pass but a single law, I would fully recognize the constitutional right to life of every unborn child and ban every abortion except for those medically necessary to save the life of the mother," the former senator explained.

In 1997 Ashcroft said (and rightly so, as far as this writer is concerned) that "renegade judges" and the "robed, contemptuous intellectual elite" have usurped congressional and state powers on abortion and other issues." Pro-life organizations throughout the United States have rallied to his defense.

Let me finish with another quote from this great man. "To the so-called leaders who say abortion is too politically divisive, let me be clear. Confronting our cultural crisis is the true test of our courage and true measure of our leadership. It is time for us to reacquaint our party with the politics of principle. We must not seek the deal. We must seek the ideal."

Ashcroft has consistently shown great courage for his stance in defense of the rights of every baby to be born. I pray that he will be approved as attorney general. But if he is not, he will be remembered, respected and loved by everyone who believes in right and wrong and in love of country. He is made of the right stuff, a great hero in a world that is in much need of such.


Cape Girardeau