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To the Editor:

President Bush, as well as state and local officials, have lent their support to the observance of Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Month during February, with special emphasis on PTA Week Feb. 17-23.

This time has been set aside to focus national and local attention on the importance of parent involvement in their children's education and lives. As the oldest and largest association dedicated to teaching parents and others who care for children how to effectively become involved, the PTA has become a leader in grassroots educational efforts.

The Cape Girardeau PTA Council, made up of representatives from all the city's PTA units, would like to encourage not only parents but everyone who cares about children to take a serious look at how they can help children succeed in school and in life. Any PTA unit can provide ideas, advice and information for those who are interested.

We hope everyone in Cape Girardeau will join us in observing PTA Month by getting involved in a child's life. Our theme, "Parents Who Have Children Who Care," says it all.

Janet Shepard


Cape Girardeau PTA Council