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There's little doubt about it: A lot of people are frustrated and just plain mad about politics and politicians. While the anger is understandable, it's not time to throw in the towel. The system on which this country was built can still work. That's why it is important to continue to involve young people in the political process.

These youngsters are more than students, they are tomorrow's leaders. That's why programs such as Freedom Forum are so valuable.

High school students from around the state will meet in Cape Girardeau beginning Sunday to discuss American politics and economics at the Missouri Freedom Forum. The event is expected to attract between 150 and 200 students.

This marks the seventh year for the Freedom Forum in Cape Girardeau. The program is sponsored locally by the Chamber of Commerce and Southeast Missouri State University, and statewide by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and the Missouri Farm Bureau Federation.

It's often said that young people in our nation today are apathetic about their government. But this forum, which is one of only two such events in the state, clearly demonstrates that many of our young people are interested in this nation's political system and its democratic ideals.

The forum is designed to provide young Missourians an opportunity to discuss with professional speakers the basics of the American economic, political and business systems.

In plain English, such forums foster good citizenship and emphasize what is sometimes overlooked in our warts-and-all society: That despite its shortcomings, the United States still has the best system of government in the world.

That's proven every day by those who leave their homelands for a chance at a new life in America.

For them, our system of government and economics represents a priceless opportunity for a better life.

At its foundation, our system of government depends on good citizenship. Without interested and informed citizens to make it work, our system of government would be hollow indeed.

In the long run, such events as the Freedom Forum help keep our system of government strong in a way that no political speech can ever do.