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A new commemorative quarter will be minted for each state. The new coins will be minted in the order that statehood was earned. Missouri will be the 24th.

The front of each coin will bear the image of George Washington -- the same as now. But states will get to choose the image for the flip side.

Members of the Cape Girardeau American Legion want the image to be the Missouri mule.

Don't count them out. When it comes to stubbornness for a good cause, the Legion gets a gold star. This is the same energetic group that pushed for the Missouri mule as the state animal, which the Legislature approved in 1995.

Mules became associated with Missouri for many reasons: Missouri mule breeders' reputation for top quality animals. Mules worked the mines, logged the forests, worked in construction, built roads and railroad and drained off the swamps in Southeast Missouri.

The mules are also veterans of sorts. They packed equipment and supplies through rough terrain during wartime. It's no wonder the American Legion picked up their cause.

Just think about it. With the Missouri mule on the flip side, a coin toss would really be a case of heads or tails.