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The resignation of Jackson's city administrator, Steve Wilson, took almost everyone in Jackson, including city officials, by surprise.

Wilson announced last week he will leave the position after 6 1/2 years to become west-central region protection supervisor for the Missouri Department of Conservation at Clinton, Mo. Wilson worked for the Department of Conservation for 16 years before becoming Jackson's city administrator.

Wilson said the offer to return to the department came about quickly. His last day in Jackson is July 13. He and his family have lived in Jackson since 1979.

With children attending the University of Missouri-Columbia, the job at Clinton will put Wilson and his wife closer to them.

Wilson is only the second city administrator Jackson has had, and city officials, including the mayor, praised him for his work and accomplishments.

Wilson has been good for Jackson, and he deserves best wishes as he re-embarks upon his career with the Department of Conservation.