Letter to the Editor

Compromise is not the solution

In some discussions about the smoke-free ballot issue, I've heard talk about how this ordinance is too restrictive and how we should vote it down and wait for a "compromise." But that's just a diversion created by those opposed to falsely lead people to believe an ordinance that absolutely everyone can agree to is possible.

The same people demanding a different ordinance are those who would cry "foul and unfair" if some bars and restaurants were included and others weren't. A compromise ordinance would be one riddled with exemptions, unfairly pitting business against business, carving out loopholes that are hard for the public to understand and nearly impossible to enforce.

If we're going to go to the trouble of passing a law, it should be one that actually does something, not something that barely changes the status quo.

Secondhand smoke has thousands of chemicals and causes numerous health problems -- that's an undisputed fact backed up by hundreds of government and health agencies, thousands of physicians and the Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce.

The law we'll be voting on will protect everyone; it's strong, simple and creates a fair and level playing field. If you want to see all Cape Girardeau public places and workplaces smoke free, your best chance is to vote yes Tuesday.

TERRY WRIGHT, Cape Girardeau