Letter to the Editor

Climate change is political issue

Having read Alan Journet's letter regarding scientific analysis of climate change several times, I find that I agree with most of it, except his unfortunate concluding shot. Yes, the climate is changing, has always changed and will continue to change.

I'm not a scientist, just a regular guy who likes to read. Absorbing Mr. Journet's thoughts, I wasn't sure if his testimony was a confession or an argument for some other point.

This controversy is far from local. It seems to be a battle royal between those who would benefit financially from grants and carbon caps and those that want to keep scientific research out of the politically charged national economics arena. Going green may have more to do with money.

What I have read is that carbon dioxide probably has little to do with the cause of climate change, and it appears that the globe has, in fact, been cooling over the last decade and that solar activity suggests that may continue.

So, yes, the climate is changing. The only question is how humankind will respond and who benefits from the politics involved. My bet is to follow the money -- no lie.