Letter to the Editor

SADI helps those who need it

To the editor:

Don't expect any help from our current legislators. They have made drastic cuts to Medicaid that are crippling some disabled Missourians who are now forced to choose between food or medications, both of which are needed for survival. Some medications and injections are ridiculously high. This is another example of survival of the fittest.

I know of people who continue to work and pay taxes to try to meet these needs, yet they are denied help. Others have worked all their lives and paid their taxes for many years. Where is their return? It sure isn't coming from Missouri.

I know of a not-for-profit organization whose only goal is to help the disabled and elderly. I personally know these individuals and how hard they try to help those in need. They are devoted to this goal every day. It is Southeast Alliance for Disability Independence.

SADI relies on donation, yard sales and raffles to be able to help those in need. It charges no fees for its services. If you know of someone who needs help, call SADI. If you have a wheelchair, shower stool, walker, crutches or other equipment that you are not using, SADI will gladly accept it.

Go vote this November.