This week the Southeast Missourian asked, What do you think about the Missouri Supreme Court's decision to require gambling boats to be on a river rather than a moat or pond?"
Rose Lingle, East Cape Girardeau
"I think they should be in a river. Because when you get into these other little alcoves and things I think that puts too much...if you space them out a little more on the river you might not have so much trouble with them."
Daniel Aufdenberg, Cape Girardeau
"I think they should be in the moats. I think they (the casinos) and the state are going to lose a lot of money. There won't be any jobs."
Donna Gremard, Cape Girardeau
"I don't think they should have to be in the river. People are going to gamble. I mean if they really do want to gamble they're going to go wherever so I don't think it makes any difference."
Jamie Boitnott, Jackson
"I think that if they allowed them to do it in the first place then why did they go back and change their minds now. I feel like there's plenty of other20things they could be wasting their time on than whether or not to renew their licenses."
Ervin Foulk, Cape Girardeau
"I agree with the Supreme Court -- that's want we intended. I was against gambling riverboats to begin with and seeing how it passed they might as well do it the way it was intended upon the river."
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