St. Mary Council of Catholic Women held their meeting on Aug. 16 in the Huels Room.
The Rev. Tom Kiefer, pastor of St. Mary Cathedral, installed the officers: Becky McLean, president; Mary Buxton, vice-president; Pat Eftink, treasurer; and Imelda Nenninger, secretary.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Attendance: all officers present except past-president, Kate Schaefer.
Treasurer's Report: Eftink distributed copies of the report.
Commission Reports:
Spirituality Commission, Brenda Kuhn: The Year of Faith will be observed Oct. 11, 2012 through Nov. 24, 2013. We have two study groups, one meets 9 to 10 a.m. on Monday and the other 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursday in the parish library. Little People Church is on hold until someone will be director. Children's Liturgy of the Word could use more volunteers. McLean is director. Five ladies are teaching PSR classes with two more teachers needed.
McLain read the responsibilities for commissions groups for the parish. The NCCW guidelines will be requested from Polly Mungel at the Region 7 meeting.
Dolores Gibbar reported that one bereavement dinner was served.
A May Circle Leader is needed.
Council of Catholic Women is observed on Oct. 28. There will be a bulletin insert with information about CCW. This is also the day coffee and doughnuts are served after the 7 and 8:30 a.m. masses.
St. Mary CCW will host the Region 7 meeting on Nov. 20. There may be a change of date because this is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Nancy King will be in charge of arrangements.
The bake sale, crafts and slightly used Christmas items will be held on Dec. 1 and 2 in the school cafeteria. There will be raffle tickets for the quilt and a handcrafted toy chest. Some other items are still needed.
Mary Buxton read a thank-you note from Birthright.
Shirley Glastetter will share her recent trip to the Holy Land at the Sept. 20 meeting.
Meeting closed with prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel.
-- From staff reports
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