On July 15, in keeping with thoughts of past history, traditions and the Bicentennial, members toured the old limestone/blue granite Houck Railroad Station in Oak Ridge that has been restored into a delightful home. Later in the program, Jo Ann Hahs shared some history of Oak Ridge, as well as showed a PowerPoint of 1898 photos of the town. The business session included the Pledge of Allegiance, the Club Collect and singing "This Land is Your Land." For roll call, members shared a fact about their home town. Certificates were given to members who contributed more than 25 cards to the "Friends of our Troops" military mail. Lamplighters received a No. 2 Group in Missouri Organizations Certificate for their 283 cards. Hahs received a certificate for the No. 5 individual in Missouri certificate. This warm summer day ended by enjoying homemade ice cream topped with a variety of toppings.
Beverly Meyer's home provided the setting for the August 26 meeting. Judy Strickland, president, called the meeting to order. members repeated the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the Club Collect and "God Bless America." Roll call was answered by members either sharing or talking about a craft that they enjoyed. During old business, note was made that Verla Mangels and Hahs attended the July 30 Zoom NAFCE Conference held at the University of Missouri Extension Center in Jackson. A report was given on the Autism sew day held on Aug. 16. Lamplighters contributed 52 ready-to-be stuffed blankets. 44 were completed and delivered the next day to the Easter Seals Center on Southeast Missouri State University campus. Plans were reviewed about the upcoming MAFCE Conference that iwa to be held Sept. 21 through 23 in Columbia, Missouri, at the Holiday Inn East. Mangels received the MAFCE state scholarship to attend this meeting. Meyers had Christmas cards available to remind members about the upcoming "Friend of our Troops" program. Other reminders were: Sept. 3 will be the County Council meeting at the Extension Center, the Fall District Meeting will be in Doniphan on Oct. 12, and Lamplighters will be hostess for the Dec. 2 Council meeting. The meeting concluded with the hostess presenting a program and leading the group in making gnomes from water/soda bottles, fabric, yarn and hot glue.
Dairy Queen in Fruitland provided the setting for Lamplighters Sept. 16 meeting hosted by Linda Sebaugh. The gathering began by members enjoying a meal, a Blizzard, an ice cream cone or a combination of these. Strickland called the meeting to order. Pledges were said to both the United States flag and to the Missouri flag. The club collect was repeated. The hostess gave a devotional titled "Where there is humor, there is hope." Roll call was answered by sharing a thing/things that remind one of the fair. Business items were: Strickland, Hahs and Mangels will be attending the MAFCE Conference in Columbia. It was decided that at 10 a.m., Oct. 21, members would gather at the First Baptist Church in Oak Ridge to work on table decorations for the December council meeting. "Friends of the Troops" cards are needed by Nov. 12. A program based on information from the MAFCE Resource Book, Hearth Fire 62 and facts and figures obtained from social media about the many facets of sex and human trafficking was presented by Strickland. Sebaugh presented each member with a gift certificate to Dairy Queen and Strickland won the "Gather here with a grateful heart" pillow hostess gift.
What was supposed to be Lamplighters' Oct. 21 road trip turned into a full-fledged work day making table decorations for the December Council meeting. Time was taken to conduct a mini-business session where the pledges and club collect were repeated. Roll call was answered with a quick easy meal. Both the minutes as read and treasurer's report as given were placed on file. Mangels reported on her experiences at the MAFCE Conference. Strickland and Hahs gave a brief report on the district meeting held in Doniphan, Missouri, during National FCE Week. Officers for the upcoming year were chosen: Hahs, president; Mangels, vice president; Strickland, secretary/treasurer. Plans were made for the food for the December Council meeting.
--From staff reports
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