Letter to the Editor

Republicans are breaking promise, spending surplus

To the editor:

I read where Congress has raised the national debt ceiling by $450 billion. That won't last a Republican president very long.

What did the Republicans do with that balanced budget and those billions of dollars of surplus that President Clinton handed them? They've already run through it. President Bush and his loyal followers have returned us to the Ronald Reagan voodoo type of government.

We Democrats know better, and the Republicans should be ashamed to try that on us again. Surely they remember the disastrous effects of Reaganomics.

Under Reagan, our nation became helplessly mired in debt. Republicans are now spending the Social Security trust fund, breaking their promise not to touch it. This president will never pay the debts he is running up. If it's ever paid, future generations will have to do it. By then it may be too late.

There may not be another Bill Clinton, Harry Truman or Franklin Roosevelt come along to save our democracy.


Bertrand, Mo.