Letter to the Editor

Battle to the bottom

Something is wrong with the system if the American people are left to pick between the same two candidates for president in the year 2024 as they were in the year 2020. This can not be a step into the future. At best it can only be considered as either a side step or no step at all. Especially the current way Americans are living their life today in America: high inflation and unsafe public events, schools and places of worship. The American border is all but gone. Proxy wars are funded on the other side of the world. A national debt that's impossible to be ever paid and growing by the minute. What type of future are we leaving for our children?

America needs new and fresh leadership across the board -- federal, state and local. The current politicians and their parties do not talk to each other. They talk about each other. Americans are left to choose not to vote for the worse of two evils.

In the year 2024, Biden vs. Trump, it's a battle to the bottom.

RICK SCAGGS, Cape Girardeau