Letter to the Editor


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An open letter to all Christians:

God's Word tells us in John 8:32 that "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." As the election nears, we need to know the truth so that we can vote in a righteous way that "we may be free."

This country was founded on Christian principles - founded to set the church free from government control. Now, in 1992, because of fear of economics, some Christians are willing to turn their country over to those who oppose Biblical truths.

In this election, we need not only to look closely at the candidates but also to those who are supporting them in order to know the truth. Supporting the Clinton-Gore ticket is the ACLU, an organization that has already caused some of our Christian freedoms to be taken away, and will continue to fight until all of our freedoms are destroyed. Also, behind Clinton-Gore are many other groups that are against Biblical truths such as pro-choice, better labeled pro-abortionists.

Supporting the President Bush-Vice President Quayle ticket are the evangelical Christian leaders and Pro-Life (anti-abortionists) plus other groups that uphold Christian values.

What does you Christian freedom mean to you, to your children and your grandchildren?

The Lord always took care of His children, the Israelites, as long as they walked according to His Word but when they turned to other gods, immorality and materialism, He Lifted His Hand. Then their economy fell, other nations took them over and they were persecuted. The Lord has prospered the United States in the past because it was a "nation under God." Surely, we know that our economy (prosperity) depends on our obedience to the Lord and our trust in Him - not in man.

When you go to the polls Tuesday, vote for the platform that supports Biblical truths so that this nation may remain free to be a "nation under God."

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalms 33:12.

Mrs. Betty Brunkhorst

Cape Girardeau