Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

We have had presidents whose charisma enticed our vote, as well as those who seemed so sincere: "Read my lips." We are tired of being suckered. This year we are immune to charisma and meaningless rhetoric. We want true honesty and commitment. Unfortunately, I see friends again being enticed by a charismatic person who has little regard for keeping his word.

He vowed to be faithful to his wife. He admitted that he has been unfaithful. He broke his word.

He agreed to serve in the ROTC in order to avoid the draft. After a few meetings he dropped out. He broke his word.

A man must live by his word. If he breaks it, he can't be trusted. Since he broke it to someone he supposedly loves, and also, broke it to someone who was doing something for him in return, why should he keep it for us, whom he doesn't love and who cannot do him any favors?

No publicity has been given to the fact that Gov. Clinton's state of Arkansas is a "right to work" state. Did the governor support this doctrine? Electricians are working for $5 an hour under very unsafe conditions now that the unions cannot insist on safety precautions.

Obviously, Bush will run again. I would like to see a Democratic candidate who can give him a good battle. Bill Clinton is not the man.

Myra Stewart
