Letter to the Editor


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To The Editor:

The Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority commissioners made a mistake in approving riverboat gambling on port authority property. The port authority was approved by the voters of Cape Girardeau and Scott counties. Funds were provided by both counties, the state of Missouri and the United States government for a port at the present location to facilitate river, rail and highway transportation transfers. To change the activities to also include riverboat gambling without getting the approval of the majority of the voters in each county is unethical. Also the approval of the state and federal governments should have been obtained. There is a chance legal exposure has been increased.

The people in both counties were interested in the progress of the port up to this point; now in addition to the people that did not support the port in the election there will be the people that will be against riverboat gambling regardless of the location and also people against a riverboat gambling casino at port property. There also could be industries that will not wish to locate close to a riverboat gambling casino. Another point of concern is in the event of trying to get approval for a free port of entry status, a riverboat gambling casino at port property could result in negating approval.

My suggestion is to reverse the approval given by the Port Authority and then take time to review the situation. If the Scott County Commission wishes to continue with a vote for approval, that is their option but not on port property. Until this ~~problem came up I am sure the port authority had a good majority of support from the public in both counties.

Carl Penzel
