Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Recently Arlen Specter declared his intention to run for the presidency on the Republican ticket. In so doing, he made a statement that we need to "get the government out of our bedrooms," referring to the "right" of a woman to choose abortion.

Evidently Mr. Specter is unaware of a Supreme Court ruling in 1973 that legalized abortion in all 50 states. Moreover, he must also be unaware that the Supreme Court justices who make these decisions are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. They aren't elected officials and most often reflect the moral, social and political beliefs of the nominating president.

Therefore, if the government selects the people who decide whether abortion is legal or not and protect this "right," then they most definitely are already in our bedrooms. In light of this, Mr. Specter's way of thinking doesn't stand to reason. He was attempting to downplay the significance of this issue, but in reality it divides this nation deeply.

The government is a key player in what is the most important issue facing the American people today. The people who believe as I do don't accept a pro-choice stance. We believe that all men are created equal and have the right to life. The unborn child is endowed by the Creator with this right. It cannot be argued that there is any other point of creation for an individual than at conception.

This fact alone makes abortion unconstitutional. This country needs a president who will stand up for the Constitution and the rights of each and every individual, no matter how small they may be. Arlen Specter doesn't fit the bill.

