Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I want to extend to your paper two compliments.

First of all, the Southeast Missourian was the only newspaper that I read (and I read several) that carried any editorial comment whatsoever on Flag Day. The one your staff wrote was just right. Nothing maudlin, nothing about super-patriots -- just a good, hometown comment on a nice day that honors the country we love and the flag that represents it. I was glad to read it and equally glad that your newspaper was thoughtful enough to write it and run it. It was good.

Compliment No. 2: Peter Kinder's piece on Norm Lambert was a jewel. In my opinion, it was, in a word, just right. You touched, in words, the man himself, his attitude toward life, his goodness and his zest for living. I found it great. Thanks.

Just wanted you to know. Cheers.



EDITOR'S NOTE: Barney Miller is the former owner and publisher of The Daily Statesman in Dexter, a sister publication of the Southeast Missourian.