Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Have you ever wondered why our elected officials don't do the things that we elected them to do? If you would like to find out and learn what to do about it, read on.

I think that the root of the problem is the fact that we usually do not elect people who have the same values that we do. Often we don't really understand the core beliefs of the candidates or even what their whole platform is. Voting decisions are usually based on the narrow perspective offered by the news media, and theirs is based on what catches the attention of their audience. Too often we are electing the man and women who set the course of this great country based on sound bites.

We also tend to form opinions about candidates based on labels placed on them. It is popular to be a conservative these days. All of the Republican candidates are calling themselves conservatives, even if they are really moderates or liberals, but calling something by some label doesn't make it so.

We need to dig a little deeper before we support a candidate. If they have served before, find out what their voting record is. Get a copy of their platform. Don't just rely on what the media say about them. Make sure that you choose the candidate who most closely matches your beliefs regardless of what others say about him.

The Missouri Republican caucuses will take place March 9. I would encourage those participating to sit down together and discuss the issues that are most important to them. Make a list of the qualities and ideas they would like to see in the ideal candidate. Categorize the list based on importance. Some are "have-to's" and other things on the list are "like to's." Once this is done, match up each candidate's voting record and the things he says about himself with your list, and you've found your man.

If we send elected officials who think like us, they will probably do the things we elect them to do.

