Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

What is socialism? Does government authority equate to a loss of personal freedoms? Of course. How, you ask? Let's look at a couple of examples.

Our state senators, showing they always have public well-being at heart, learn through other government agencies and special-interest lobbyists that some new septic tanks aren't being installed properly. Well, let's pass a law.

The new law says you now have to have a permit from a government office, a percolation test and inspections. Of course, this law will require more personnel to do these jobs, a larger budget and more supervisors -- more government control. (Not to mention the cost to the consumer." Who can argue? It's for the public's own protection.

The Department of Transportation and special-interest lobbyists decide trucks on our highways aren't safe enough. Well, senators, let's pass a law. Of course, we will need more inspectors, more supervisors, more court personnel and a larger budget. Who can argue? It's for our own good.

Every new law that is passed contains the same ripple effect: more government control. Each law is only a thread, but as these threads are interwoven they form a rope and a noose, choking our personal freedoms.

The government hog is at its own trough. As the old saying goes, "You can't make a hog butcher itself."

